Moments in Time - Temple of Light

Now available on all your favorite streaming and download sites.
Charlie Bissharat: Violin on ‘Guardian’
Davo Bryant: Drums and percussion on ‘Carmelita’, ‘Duende de la Negra Luna’, ‘Guardian’, ‘The Alhambra’, and ‘Whispers in the Wind’
Jonathan Dane: Trumpet and Flugel Horn on ‘Duende de la Negra Luna’ and ‘Prayer for Mankind (Part 1: Hope)’
Tomas Del Toro Diaz: Electric Guitars on ‘Surely U Gest’
Mychal Lomas: Electric Bass on ‘Whispers in the Wind’
Gary Meek: Sax on ‘Carmelita’
Alberto Negroni: Guitar on ‘Guardian’
Ray Panell: Electric Guitar on ‘Whispers in the Wind’
Randy Tico: Fretless Bass on ‘Carmelita’ and ‘Guardian’
ZED: Ude on ‘The Alhambra’
Dom Camardella: all additional instruments on all titles (Piano, Bass, Acoustic Guitars, Keyboards) and percussion and MIDI programming.
Mixed and Mastered by Dom Camardella at Santa Barbara Sound Design
The first chapter of the ‘Moments in Time’ series debuts September, 2022 titled ‘Temple of Light’.
It is no surprise that the significant memories of our lives often playback in our minds almost in the form of a film or music video. The ‘moments’ of our lives are deeply etched into our psyche and crop up time and time again when we reflect on our lives, and these influence and repeat often in our dreams. For me, there is a rhythm and tempo with which these memories play over and over in our mind and hearts. Generally, we humans experience the passing of time using dates and time during our lives as markers to represent the chronology of ‘when’ important events or crossroads happen. In this set of work, I am a storyteller recounting and musically presenting you experiences and aspects of life. These are life ‘moments’, while at the same time I am using the rhythmic essence of music: the tempo, pace and presentation of sounds which we musicians call the ‘time’ of a piece to express this ‘musical moment in time’ in each title in the collection. Taking all this into account results in the multiple meanings for this series of music releases I present to you, “Moments in Time”.
The first chapter in this series is ‘Temple of Light’. In our lives there exists critical junctures and transitions, situations that we are born into, and evolutionary life opportunity’s that determine much of the outcomes of our lives. Additionally, around the globe there are locations and historic places to visit and experience which possess ancient, powerful energies that if we are so inclined and open to connect with, helps us align and learn from our predecessors to draw upon humanities’ vast accumulated knowledge, experience and learn about how to develop intuition and hidden mystical strengths from those who have come before us. ‘Temple of Light’ tells stories. It is a unique collection of stories about internal and external journeys. I am a person living in 2022 having been part of our culture’s musical and sociological world for forty years. I have worked with numerous mainstream brand name popular music artists, jazz artists and world musicians over the course of my career. The result of this has influenced my music significantly, so much so that I refer to it as ‘new fusion music’.
‘Moments in Time – Temple of Light’ is inclusive of this entire wide range of styles and genres. Intentionally the music is instrumental, there are no lyrics, so that you the listener can supply your words and images to the sonic tapestries I provide for you to do this with. You will find popular song form music and grooves, blended with jazz, classical, as well as global, and world music styles flavors and influences. I choose to not be limited stylistically or by genre. I embrace our entire globe and all the people and cultures of this planet as ‘one world …. one music’.
Please come along and experience your journey with me as we venture through “Moments in Time – Temple of Light”.
‘Soothe’ is a hand selected collection of instrumental music composed, recorded, and produced by Dom Camardella. It is intended to deliver emotional enrichment and solace to all of us as we navigate and wrestle with the disruption we have experienced in our society and its impact on our day to day lives in 2020.
Music has the unique ability to allow us to immerse ourselves in its message and calm emotions and restlessness as we listen. While listening to ‘Soothe’ I suggest you put on a great set of earbuds/headphones and turn up the stereo, turn down the lights and relax as you bathe in its panorama.
Stylistically, ‘Soothe’ borrows from the sounds and rhythms we hear in the world today. It is influenced by new jazz, world music, funky grooves, and pop music but intentionally steers clear of any one specific category or genre. My intention is that no listener will feel left out of the journey and will find something familiar and alluring here.
Ultimately my hope is that it’s combination of sounds, rhythms and melodies will resonate with you. Much like the warmth of the sun, nature, and loved ones, music is food and healing for our souls and general well-being.
Special thanks to my contributors whose empathy and emotional performances enhanced the project: Dave Bryant (drums and percussion), Jonathan Dane (trumpet and flugelhorn), Alberto Negroni( guitar), and my son, Adam Camarderlla (drums and percussion).
All compositions by Dominic Camardella. All arrangements, programing and instruments performed by Dominic Camardella except trumpets and flugelhorn on Here Now With You, Without You, Perfect Love, and Soothe by Jonathan Dane. Drums and percussion on I Long 4U by Dave Bryant, drums on Headwinds and drums and percussion on 4ever More by Adam Camardella, and guitar by Alberto Negroni on Perfect Love. Engineered and mixed by Dominic Camardella and Tyler Moradkhani at Santa Barbara Sound Design. Mastered by Dominic Camardella and Stephen Marsh.